
Discover our water dispensers for professionals


Discover our water dispensers for professionals. Many professionals, including companies, restaurateurs and hoteliers, have realised that it is no longer possible to transport bottled water for drinking at their tables, since all these journeys result in an excessive carbon footprint.

Unique microfiltration technology based on an eco-responsible approach and a cost-effective, environmentally friendly "zero kilometre" concept, providing instant access to sparkling or still water on demand.

For 15 years, AQUAChiara has been making this "zero waste", "zero kilometre" and "zero plastic" approach available to all professionals, raising their awareness and helping them them to address environmental issues through its micro-filtered quality water dispensers.

Since its earliest days, the AQUAchiara project has made protecting the environment its top priority, and put responsible measures in place.

The many advantages for professionals concerned about CSR issues include an end to transport services, significant reductions in waste, savings in space and time, no more heavy lifting, growth in new sales, and support for company communication.